WAG54GS (v1.1 and perhaps v1.0) : --------------------------------- Software Patching AnnexB (RNIS/ISDN) to AnnexA (Analogic) : Already patched images from internet (IMG=BIN firmware - AnnexA) - WAG54GS_1.01.03_AnnexA_Telnet_01.bin Image above Patched to be used on AnnexB modem (transforming it to Analogic AnnexA) (IMG=BIN firmware) - WAG54GS_1.01.03_AnnexA_Telnet_01_LOADING_TO_ANNEXB.bin If you want to patch another fiwmare check data Data inside the firmware, search : > > sErCoMm WAG54GS A 08  sErCoMm > On image above there is 2 modifications at addresses : -00FFA0 -31A780 This will transform the B-ISDN/RNIS (AnnexB Hardware) into A-Analogic-ADSL (AnnexB Hardware) Enjoy, Toysoft